turbostar171: SR 841 "Greene King" At Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: 31133 & 31151 return 841s Train
turbostar171: Class 105 DMU at Chappel & Wakes Colne
turbostar171: SR841 at Chappel & Wakes Colne
turbostar171: SR841 at Chappel & Wakes Colne
turbostar171: SR841 at Chappel & Wakes Colne
turbostar171: Std 4MT 80151 at Chappel
turbostar171: Class 120DMU at Thetford
turbostar171: Unidentified Class 25s at Thetford
turbostar171: 31304, 56003 & 56004 pass Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: 56004 is hauled through Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: A Class 120 DMU departs Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: Class 105 DMU at Haughley
turbostar171: Unidentified Class 37 passes Haughley Junction
turbostar171: Class 104 DMU at Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: Ipswich Stabling Point
turbostar171: Unidentified Class 47, Platform 4 Ipswich
turbostar171: Unidentified 47s at Ipswich
turbostar171: 47222 departs Bury St Edmunds on 1M72
turbostar171: Gwynedd on the Nursery Line at Bressingham
turbostar171: Waveney Line train at Bressingham
turbostar171: LMS 2500 2-6-4T at Bressingham
turbostar171: Traction Engine & Thresher at Bressingham
turbostar171: SR841 passes Bury St Edmunds
turbostar171: Class 105+Class 100 hybrid leaves Bury St Edmunds passed KEGS field
turbostar171: 25081+25xxx pass Thetford
turbostar171: Disc fitted 31s at Stratford Shed
turbostar171: 31/0 on Stratford Shed with breakdown train
turbostar171: Unidentified class 37, Stratford Shed
turbostar171: 47016 on Stratford Shed