Jennifer Kumar:
Don't Underestimate the Power of Small Talk
Jennifer Kumar:
Jennifer Kumar:
Dead End - No Career Growth!
Jennifer Kumar:
Jennifer Kumar:
Jennifer Kumar:
What can we learn about culture shock from E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial?
Jennifer Kumar:
Water Bottle - $4.50 - Watch out!
Jennifer Kumar:
Free Laundry at Holiday Inn Express Webster, NY!
Jennifer Kumar:
Coffee Stand at Double Tree Hotel
Jennifer Kumar:
Achieving YOUR Spoken English Goals
Jennifer Kumar:
Water is Needed To Wash Your Hands
Jennifer Kumar:
Do you want to stand out or immerse yourself into another culture?
Jennifer Kumar:
world is a puzzle
Jennifer Kumar:
Haikaa Yamamoto- A Musician Influenced by a Global Lifestyle
Jennifer Kumar:
Haikaa Yamamoto - Busy at her Passion - Music!
Jennifer Kumar:
Find Peace With Difficult Situations