Alain safa: The wedding
Alain safa: Conratulation and celebration
Alain safa: On the way
Alain safa: White is allright
Alain safa: Black and Red
Alain safa: The joy of heart
Alain safa: The family
Alain safa: Lebanese beauty
Alain safa: Allt about Red
Alain safa: Prayer
Alain safa: Yes I am (^_^)
Alain safa: Biensure!!
Alain safa: With all the sweet words I know
Alain safa: Where is Joseph?
Alain safa: Great !!!
Alain safa: Real beauty
Alain safa: Lebanese dream
Alain safa: Together
Alain safa: Aint they beautiful ?
Alain safa: Happy by birth
Alain safa: Looking furthur for a happy future together forever!