Quevillon: The other footbridge (winter)
Quevillon: The Footbridge
Quevillon: Footbridge over the marsh lake
Quevillon: Escarpment Trail (spring)
Quevillon: Who did this?
Quevillon: Pointe-aux-Carrières
Quevillon: Lake of Two Mountains
Quevillon: The gazebo lookout
Quevillon: Freshwater mussel shells
Quevillon: Some white flowers
Quevillon: American Coot
Quevillon: Eastern Painted Turtle
Quevillon: Tree Swallow
Quevillon: Frozen marsh (1)
Quevillon: Belvedere closed
Quevillon: Frozen marsh (2)
Quevillon: Cross country skiing in the park
Quevillon: Frozen marsh (3)
Quevillon: Armand House
Quevillon: Swon spiks
Quevillon: Not yet frozen
Quevillon: Congratulations squirrel
Quevillon: Snowy path
Quevillon: Winter watering hole
Quevillon: Other world?
Quevillon: ruisseau Bertrand (1)
Quevillon: ruisseau Bertrand (2)
Quevillon: Typhas stuck on the ice
Quevillon: Île aux Chats
Quevillon: Shrivels berrys