dr Hao: 巨大鋼筋水泥現代工業意象
dr Hao: 滿天星號
dr Hao: 啟程 Boarding
dr Hao: 祖孫 Grandfather and son, on the ship
dr Hao: 五彩繽紛的船 Colorful Boats
dr Hao: 加油站(車?) Gas station (car?)
dr Hao: 金八達 Kin-Ba-Da
dr Hao: 虛弱的旅人 Tired Traveller
dr Hao: 啟航 Start
dr Hao: 桶盤島上的小店 Vendor in the Tong-Pan island
dr Hao: 桶盤島上的小店 Vendor in the Tong-Pan island
dr Hao: 偷拍的人們
dr Hao: 看海
dr Hao: 期待
dr Hao: 抵達 Arrive
dr Hao: 望夫石 Waiting-husband stone
dr Hao: 七美人塚 Tomb of Seven Beauties
dr Hao: 月鯉港
dr Hao: 月鯉港跳水 4
dr Hao: 月鯉港跳水 3
dr Hao: 月鯉港跳水 2
dr Hao: 月鯉港跳水 1
dr Hao: 我跳!You jump, I jump!
dr Hao: 觀望
dr Hao: 排排站、等跳水
dr Hao: 我們的鯨魚公車。 Our Whale Bus
dr Hao: 七美西岸 West shore of Chimei
dr Hao: 小島上的早餐 Breakfast on the small island
dr Hao: 追風逐浪 Riding with the winds
dr Hao: 七美東岸 East coast of Chimei