Graela: The Adventures of Doodlegirl
Graela: Nice Bust
Graela: A snowballs chance in paradise
Graela: Now say it 3 times fast
Graela: Doodlecat is lazy even by feline standards
Graela: Shakespeared
Graela: Monday is the busy day at the clinic
Graela: Everything comes with a disclaimer these days
Graela: A mystery that really must be solved before we eat all those milk chocolate easter bunnies
Graela: Its a tough job but somebody has to do it
Graela: Yes, I realize the algorithm could be improved
Graela: going nowhere with you
Graela: Going nowhere fast
Graela: Its reassuring to know there is a saftey net
Graela: May the farce be with you
Graela: And it's so tasty too
Graela: early childhood education
Graela: Can you hear me now?
Graela: The best laid plans
Graela: eggiwegs
Graela: Eviloution
Graela: A-doodley-do
Graela: Old Skool
Graela: Bob the Tomato
Graela: the flatheads
Graela: Thanks to scot and buffy and one of the kids for inspiration
Graela: Dont panic ~ Really quite comforting when written in large friendly letters
Graela: is "when swine flu" really the past tense of "when pigs fly"
Graela: karoke knights
Graela: They actually think I like my toast that way