Food and Emotion: asztlt szilvas tagine
Food and Emotion: mentas borso
Food and Emotion: citromos fasirt
Food and Emotion: aszalt áfonyás gyöngytyúk
Food and Emotion: vorosafonyas tagine
Food and Emotion: mahimahi hal lilaburgonyával
Food and Emotion: berber tagine
Food and Emotion: kesz etel
Food and Emotion: medium hátszín
Food and Emotion: lazac afonyamartassal
Food and Emotion: fetaval toltott paradicsomos husgolyo
Food and Emotion: ossobucco
Food and Emotion: focaccia with cheese
Food and Emotion: pizza roll
Food and Emotion: tomato and tonno
Food and Emotion: fish cake with herbs couscous
Food and Emotion: grilled chicken
Food and Emotion: tofu with black sesam seeds and spring onion
Food and Emotion: duck breast with fish sauce and lime
Food and Emotion: beetroot, pear, walnut
Food and Emotion: tagine with carrot, chickpea and bean
Food and Emotion: Fish and chips