ALA - The American Library Association: Midwinter on Second Life
ALA - The American Library Association: ALA VCL MIG Meeting, 2010 Midwinter, part 1
ALA - The American Library Association: ALA VCL MIG Meeting, 2010 Midwinter, part 2
ALA - The American Library Association: ACRL Virtual Worlds Interest Group Meeting 1/17 at 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting (2 of 2)
ALA - The American Library Association: ACRL Virtual Worlds Interest Group Meeting 1/17 at 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting (1 of 2)
ALA - The American Library Association: ALA Youth Media Awards Webcast Video on ALA Island Jan 18 2010
ALA - The American Library Association: Award seals and medals from the ALA Youth Media Awards Webcast Video on ALA Island Jan 18 2010
ALA - The American Library Association: ALA President Camila Alire in the ALA Youth Media Awards Webcast Video on ALA Island Jan 18 2010
ALA - The American Library Association: Banned Books Week Town Square on ALA Island in Second Life (Feb 2010)
ALA - The American Library Association: FIN (Future is Now Conference) Poster Sessions & T-Shirt Vendor, ALA Island (127, 143, 25)