Alexey Stepanov: Plasticine building
Alexey Stepanov: Old Moscow
Alexey Stepanov: Old Moscow yard
Alexey Stepanov: Evening sun
Alexey Stepanov: Lubyanskaya sqr.
Alexey Stepanov: Moscow workers
Alexey Stepanov: Menshikova bell tower
Alexey Stepanov: Yellow + Blue
Alexey Stepanov: Water-carrier
Alexey Stepanov: The dreamer
Alexey Stepanov: City night
Alexey Stepanov: Night life
Alexey Stepanov: The fisherman and his drinking fan-club
Alexey Stepanov: Undere the rainbow
Alexey Stepanov: ALST9410
Alexey Stepanov: Tryokhgornaya manufactory (Manufactory on Three hills)
Alexey Stepanov: ALST9672
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8798_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8801_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8805_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8808_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8812_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8819_1
Alexey Stepanov: ALST8823_1