Al Moore: Mark Renshaw at Eloura SC
Al Moore: Leigh Howard - Movember
Al Moore: Mark & Leigh warming up
Al Moore: I don't think they'll let you hold hands the whole way
Al Moore: Renshaw on the starting line
Al Moore: Leigh and Caleb - last minute instructions
Al Moore: CJ Sutton interviewed on start line
Al Moore: Lachlan Morton - before his chain broke
Al Moore: Skoda Guy
Al Moore: The pack - Mens
Al Moore: Budget Forklift guy
Al Moore: Lachlan Morton & Thomas Palmer
Al Moore: Chris Sutton & John Peppard
Al Moore: CJ Sutton
Al Moore: CJ Sutton at Eloura SC
Al Moore: Caleb Ewan Concentrating
Al Moore: No, I'm not making fun of your hot pink bike - Tamas Allenby & Duncan Houston
Al Moore: CJ point to the winner
Al Moore: Just another day at the office - Caleb Ewan