Al Moore: Ziggy the Swans Mascot
Al Moore: Ryan O'Keefe defending
Al Moore: Ben McGlynn kicking
Al Moore: Brandon Jack having a kick
Al Moore: Centre Bounce
Al Moore: Craig Bird kicking ball
Al Moore: Half time heros with Barry Hall commenting
Al Moore: Heath Grundy Handball
Al Moore: Jesse White kicking for goal
Al Moore: Jude Bolton pointing out the mark
Al Moore: Kieran Jack close up
Al Moore: Kieren Jack's not giving away that ball
Al Moore: Kurt Tippett kicking action
Al Moore: Luke Parker going for ball
Al Moore: Mike Pyke kick being spoiled
Al Moore: Mike Pyke kicking
Al Moore: Nick Malceski kicking action
Al Moore: Ryan O'Keefe scrapping for the ball
Al Moore: Shane Mumford - Ball Up
Al Moore: Shane Mumford ball contest
Al Moore: Shane Mumford Centre Bounce action
Al Moore: Umpie throwing in the ball