AL904: Joel W. Solomon Federal Building and United States Courthouse
AL904: Chattanooga's Solomon Building
AL904: Joel W. Solomon Federal Courthouse,
AL904: First Congregational Church,Chattanooga.
AL904: Chattanooga's First Congregational Church
AL904: Across The Tennessee River at Sunrise
AL904: Tennessee River
AL904: Slave Houses
AL904: Slave House
AL904: Barn at Sam Davis Plantation
AL904: Sam Davis Home and Plantation
AL904: Sam Davis Home and Plantation
AL904: Sam Davis Plantation Well Pump
AL904: Slave Houses
AL904: Sam Davis Gravesite, Smyrna, Tennessee
AL904: Sam Davis Plantation Barn
AL904: Sam Davis Home and Plantation
AL904: Sam Davis Home
AL904: Tennessee, State Library and Archives Building
AL904: Tennessee War Memorial Building
AL904: Tennessee War Memorial Building and Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Andrew Jackson Statue at the Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: Tennessee State Capitol
AL904: American Locomotive Company 69786
AL904: N.C. & St. L. Locomotive 576