iPhonehipsta: On 1 Jan 2012 i had the honour of being featured artist of the day on iPhoneArt.com! This is a great art community, check out the amazing work and artists!
iPhonehipsta: Happy NewYear!
iPhonehipsta: Gushing with delight and pride as a bit of my work gets an airing on the iphoneography blog! With big thanx to Glyn @iphoneography
iPhonehipsta: Auction Action - What a Lady! Pixel This Exibition Battersea Park in London organised by Dan at Create Hive! Last day today Sunday 4 December!
iPhonehipsta: Thank you so much AMPT for featuring my pix (bottom left) I feel extremely honoured and very proud!
iPhonehipsta: Starts tomorrow! @molbileartfest I am truly honoured to be one of 240 artists from over 30 countries whose work has been selected to feature in the LA Mobile Arts festival to be held in Santa Monica studios 18 to 25 August! Really wish I could be there! w
iPhonehipsta: Guardian Masterclass with @rugfoot @ikebana_jen @mrwhisper and @iPhonehipsta next Monday 24 September at the Guardian Gallery Kings Cross London - I am delighted to be a guest speaker for this Masterclass with Richard Gray, Jennifer Thomas and Bal Bahtia
iPhonehipsta: Coming soon... #mobilepixation #pixelrevolution #watchthisspace #mobilearts #canvassquare
iPhonehipsta: The wait is nearly over... #mobilepixation #pixelrevolution #iPhoneography
iPhonehipsta: Wonderful selection for the #stilllifelounge including my sofa! Along with @shotinheels @anna_ser_dej @socobloke and @rayray74 Check out their work and the still life lounge tag! Thank you to @annacox and @ikebana_jen for running a fun community forming
iPhonehipsta: Well no one asked me... #9ofpride
iPhonehipsta: Last thought of the day #warning #ilovepenguins
iPhonehipsta: Why not toast me and cover me in butter...? #jubilee
iPhonehipsta: #Banksy #DiamondJubilee #ER