A.M. Kuchling: Entrance to Palatine Hill
A.M. Kuchling: Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Relief, Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Relief, Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Reliefs, Constantine's Arch
A.M. Kuchling: Cobblestones
A.M. Kuchling: Ruins of the Imperial Palace
A.M. Kuchling: Arch of Titus
A.M. Kuchling: Arch of Titus
A.M. Kuchling: Our tour guide
A.M. Kuchling: Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
A.M. Kuchling: Stairs and doorway, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
A.M. Kuchling: Sign fragment
A.M. Kuchling: Ruins of the Basilica Aemilia
A.M. Kuchling: Ruins of the Basilica Aemilia
A.M. Kuchling: View toward the Arch of Septimius Severus
A.M. Kuchling: Arch of Septimius Severus
A.M. Kuchling: Column Base, Forum
A.M. Kuchling: Ruins of the Temple of Castor and Pollux
A.M. Kuchling: Ruins of the Temple of the Divine Julius Caesar
A.M. Kuchling: Side view, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
A.M. Kuchling: Street view of the Colosseum
A.M. Kuchling: Street view of the Colosseum
A.M. Kuchling: Street view of the Colosseum
A.M. Kuchling: Barb on the bus
A.M. Kuchling: Across the street from St Peter's
A.M. Kuchling: Barb listening to the guide on her headset