A.M. Kuchling:
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices sign
A.M. Kuchling:
Auto Sweep Resonator
A.M. Kuchling:
Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Accumulator
A.M. Kuchling:
Andrew getting his posture improved
A.M. Kuchling:
Thompson Plaster Electrical Cabinet
A.M. Kuchling:
Barb getting hooked up
A.M. Kuchling:
Barb connected to the machine
A.M. Kuchling:
Barb listening to the results
A.M. Kuchling:
Close-up of the Psycometer's dial
A.M. Kuchling:
Phrenology test
A.M. Kuchling:
Vibrating belts
A.M. Kuchling:
Phrenological measurement in progress
A.M. Kuchling:
Barb holding a 1900-vintage vibrator
A.M. Kuchling:
Table of vibrators
A.M. Kuchling:
Allure bust developer
A.M. Kuchling:
A.M. Kuchling:
Close-up of Hemodimagnometer dials
A.M. Kuchling:
Metabograph, left panel
A.M. Kuchling:
Metabograph, centre panel
A.M. Kuchling:
Metabograph, right panel
A.M. Kuchling:
Publication from a Montréal quack
A.M. Kuchling:
A.M. Kuchling:
Spectro-Chrome front panel
A.M. Kuchling:
The Vibrometer
A.M. Kuchling:
X-ray machine for shoe fitting