Angle-of-Attack: Storage yard filled with Grumman S2F Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman HU-16B Albatross
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman S2F Trackers to be converted in Marsh Turbo Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman S2F Trackers to be converted in Marsh Turbo Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman S2F Trackers to be converted in Marsh Turbo Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman HU-16 Albatross
Angle-of-Attack: Grumman S2F Trackers to be converted in Marsh Turbo Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Prototypes of Marsh Turbo Trackers
Angle-of-Attack: Fuselage Rockwell OV-10A Bronco