Akshay Marathe: Spotted Deer fawn
Akshay Marathe: Young lapwing
Akshay Marathe: Peacock at waterhole
Akshay Marathe: Troop of langurs
Akshay Marathe: Companions
Akshay Marathe: Indian Roller
Akshay Marathe: Spotted owlets
Akshay Marathe: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Akshay Marathe: Peacock dancing
Akshay Marathe: Spotted owlet
Akshay Marathe: Queen of the jungle
Akshay Marathe: Cormorant
Akshay Marathe: Spotted deer
Akshay Marathe: Indian rollers
Akshay Marathe: Black shouldered Kite
Akshay Marathe: Changeable hawk Eagle
Akshay Marathe: Set to fly
Akshay Marathe: Crested Serpent eagle
Akshay Marathe: Hanuman langur
Akshay Marathe: Clean-up time!
Akshay Marathe: Magpie Robin
Akshay Marathe: Oriental Honey Buzzard
Akshay Marathe: Male Chital
Akshay Marathe: Waterhole
Akshay Marathe: Tickell's blue flycatcher