akrabat: Adding the point at the end of the curve
akrabat: New display unit
akrabat: Gap through the hedge
akrabat: Paul presenting at BrumPHP
akrabat: Oliver presenting at BrumPHP
akrabat: Dan introducing BrumPHP's first speaker
akrabat: BrumPHP meetup, May 2024
akrabat: Equadorian chocolate from my colleage Andrés
akrabat: Running trains at Worcester MRC
akrabat: Running trains at Worcester MRC
akrabat: Turntable control at Worcester MRC
akrabat: Parcels have arrived!
akrabat: New ceiling fans in living room
akrabat: Birthday cards
akrabat: Time to go home
akrabat: Pizza after the conference
akrabat: Giulia closes the conference
akrabat: Videographer at work
akrabat: Sarah presented the closing keynote
akrabat: Ondřej speaking on PHPStan's error identifiers
akrabat: Andreas, Alessandro & Michlelle at lunch
akrabat: Kat
akrabat: phpday 2024
akrabat: Rick opened the second day of phpday
akrabat: Speakers dinner
akrabat: Kary & Michelle
akrabat: phpday 2024
akrabat: Dan's lighting talk on PHP-TUI
akrabat: Patrick starts his lightning talk
akrabat: Showing off the new laptop