akrabat: Travelling to Cluj-Napoca via Munich
akrabat: Flying above the clouds
akrabat: Waiting to take off after a landing
akrabat: The organisers
akrabat: Sebastian
akrabat: Queuing for registration
akrabat: Georgiana opens the conference
akrabat: A conversation between Arne & Stefan
akrabat: Calin's slide of the conference
akrabat: David Buchmann
akrabat: Break-time
akrabat: Stefan on CI
akrabat: Conversation after the end of the conference
akrabat: Sebastian & Stefan at dinner
akrabat: Choosing dinner
akrabat: Romanian National Opera, Cluj-Napoca
akrabat: Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca
akrabat: Transfiguration Church, Cluj-Napoca
akrabat: St. Michael's Church, Cluj-Napoca
akrabat: Sightseeing
akrabat: Outside tables in a town square
akrabat: Today, I'm wandering around Cluj-Napoca!
akrabat: Tram
akrabat: Tram in Cluj-Napoca
akrabat: Steam engine on static display
akrabat: Botanical gardens, Cluj-Napoca