akrabat: Jordi & James plot…
akrabat: Evening drinks
akrabat: Evening meal
akrabat: The Danube, Belgrade
akrabat: The organisers open the conference
akrabat: Waiting for the bus
akrabat: Conference venue
akrabat: Conference
akrabat: Rasmus gave the opening keynote
akrabat: RKA_2017-05-27_11-33-05
akrabat: RKA_2017-05-27_11-33-46
akrabat: The food was delicious
akrabat: Alexander speaking on AOP
akrabat: Cake
akrabat: Adam, speaking on debugging
akrabat: Time is an illusion, with Andreas
akrabat: We seemed to end up here every evening…
akrabat: More waiting for a bus
akrabat: Shots at the speakers' dinner
akrabat: Dinner
akrabat: Andy on DDD
akrabat: James, talking about Expressive
akrabat: Anna &Jordi
akrabat: Enjoying ice cream
akrabat: Patrick talking about PHP without frameworks
akrabat: Implementing PSR-8
akrabat: Thank you to the PHP Serbia team for organising the conference
akrabat: Mike looking very dapper
akrabat: Where shall we go this evening?
akrabat: James ordered a Coke