akrabat: Bastian, Drew & Ciaran
akrabat: Speakers' dinner
akrabat: Speakers' dinner
akrabat: The night before the conference
akrabat: It's starting!
akrabat: Usergroup leaders
akrabat: Answering questions
akrabat: Tea break!
akrabat: Mark
akrabat: Bytemark stand
akrabat: Michael
akrabat: Atendees starting the turn up before my talk
akrabat: Rating on joind.in?
akrabat: Introducing Michael
akrabat: Learning
akrabat: Say Cheese!
akrabat: Break time
akrabat: The lake just outside the conference venue
akrabat: Introducing Drew
akrabat: ElePHPants at PHP Yorkshire
akrabat: Photographing ElePHPants
akrabat: Lorna
akrabat: Bastian
akrabat: Rafael's keynote
akrabat: Rafael laying down the law
akrabat: Chris closes the conference
akrabat: Attendees
akrabat: Sandwiches at the tea party
akrabat: Mad hats!
akrabat: Mad hats!