akrabat: Wine tasting with Marcus and Derick
akrabat: Cal checking Twitter
akrabat: Wine barrels in the cellar
akrabat: Wine barrels in the cellar
akrabat: The Cheese Factory at Sonoma
akrabat: Zack, Chris, Cal and Matthew
akrabat: Sitting down for some food
akrabat: Heading to registration
akrabat: Waiting for registration
akrabat: ZendCon
akrabat: Wez
akrabat: Derick
akrabat: Lorna and Liz
akrabat: Networking
akrabat: Networking
akrabat: ZendCon
akrabat: Elephpant waiting for the talk to begin
akrabat: Mike and Matthew
akrabat: Matthew at ZendCon
akrabat: ZendCon
akrabat: ZendCon
akrabat: Christian
akrabat: Lunch at ZendCon
akrabat: Lunch at ZendCon
akrabat: Ben
akrabat: Chris
akrabat: Davey, Liz and John
akrabat: Elephpant on a hat!
akrabat: Derick and Mikko
akrabat: Mikko