Surprises Like Spring Rain: Hold me close or let me go and never pick me up again
Surprises Like Spring Rain: Our youth are starting to change...
Surprises Like Spring Rain: colors and textures
Surprises Like Spring Rain: There's a lack of color here
Surprises Like Spring Rain: LIft your eyes to the hills
Surprises Like Spring Rain: We need to feel, but we are so lost within ourselves that we soon shall fade away...
Surprises Like Spring Rain: "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."
Surprises Like Spring Rain: Odd tones and snow <3
Surprises Like Spring Rain: When in Holland...
Surprises Like Spring Rain: When the tide goes out I will walk across this ocean's bed to the little island hidden in the mist
Surprises Like Spring Rain: Black and White?
Surprises Like Spring Rain: underexposed smiles
Surprises Like Spring Rain: The dead can hide beneath the ground and the birds can always fly But the rest of us do what we must in constant compromise
Surprises Like Spring Rain: I can feel you in my bones
Surprises Like Spring Rain: Shelby 2011 Senior