Lazy Capture: Need refreshment, need a break
Lazy Capture: Winter is knocking [Explored]
Lazy Capture: first Light of the day
Lazy Capture: Trinity
Lazy Capture: when you're gone, I realize I'm in love
Lazy Capture: for a Special Someone
Lazy Capture: for a Special Someone II
Lazy Capture: didn't feel love
Lazy Capture: Sisters
Lazy Capture: an Autumn Rain
Lazy Capture: Ready for celebration
Lazy Capture: Dreams in her eye
Lazy Capture: You light up my heart
Lazy Capture: Gardenia
Lazy Capture: Red Flowered Barberry
Lazy Capture: Red Flowered Barberry
Lazy Capture: A bright shiny morning
Lazy Capture: Pray, and let God worry.
Lazy Capture: IMG_1516