akira_kev: South africa
akira_kev: Cape Town skyline
akira_kev: Cape Town skyline
akira_kev: L1010033
akira_kev: Table mountain SA
akira_kev: IMAGE_235.jpg
akira_kev: I need more fuel
akira_kev: The slums
akira_kev: L1010053
akira_kev: Geordie at 2000feet
akira_kev: Great sea colour
akira_kev: Where are we??? langb
akira_kev: Whats them purple flowers?
akira_kev: Beach up the west side
akira_kev: How low can you go at 200 knots
akira_kev: Huey
akira_kev: L1010089
akira_kev: Table Mountain
akira_kev: Little flight
akira_kev: IMAGE_250
akira_kev: L1010100
akira_kev: L1010101
akira_kev: L1010109
akira_kev: My helicopter
akira_kev: On the beach. It behind you
akira_kev: The Lion sleeps tonight
akira_kev: L1010815
akira_kev: Little lion having a lunchtime snack
akira_kev: BIg Pussy Cat
akira_kev: L1010689