Akimeth: Would you trust this man with your penguins?
Akimeth: 20050820_0009
Akimeth: 20050820_0014
Akimeth: 20050820_0033
Akimeth: How should I do this?
Akimeth: Girl meets boy
Akimeth: 20050820_0042
Akimeth: 20050820_0051
Akimeth: Ouch, that hurts!
Akimeth: 20050820_0059
Akimeth: Recording details
Akimeth: Microchipping a penguin
Akimeth: Weighing the penguin
Akimeth: Research work is fun
Akimeth: Closeup of pooey penguin
Akimeth: Not all penguins are clean
Akimeth: Penguin boxes
Akimeth: Another pair of penguins
Akimeth: A pair of penguins
Akimeth: Working hard
Akimeth: Viewing platform
Akimeth: Penguin Habitat
Akimeth: Viewing platform at Phillip Island
Akimeth: 20071110_0004
Akimeth: 20071110_0033
Akimeth: 20071110_0031
Akimeth: 20071110_0029
Akimeth: 20071110_0028
Akimeth: 20071110_0026
Akimeth: 20071110_0023