akikikka: Starting with Magic Ring, step 1
akikikka: Starting with Magic Ring, step 2
akikikka: Starting with Magic Ring, step 4
akikikka: Starting with Magic Ring, step 5
akikikka: Stitches picked up "purl" side
akikikka: Stitches picked up "knit" side
akikikka: Pointy needles are VERY helpful
akikikka: Picking up from bumps
akikikka: The braid
akikikka: Bumps down center of chain
akikikka: Make crocheted chain
akikikka: Short-rows complete, about to work row 17
akikikka: Knit 4 normally
akikikka: knit the first short-rowed stitch
akikikka: encroaching in action
akikikka: "left-leg of stitch below stitch on right needle" on left needle
akikikka: k2tog
akikikka: another angle of where to encroach
akikikka: another angle of encroached loop on left needle waiting to be worked
akikikka: k2tog
akikikka: what the last stitch worked will look like on the needles
akikikka: completed row 17 from right side
akikikka: completed row 17 from wrong side.
akikikka: Garter Stitch Grafting: Set-up Step 1
akikikka: Garter Stitch Grafting: Set-up step 2
akikikka: Yarn goes around the side...
akikikka: Front Kneedle, step 1
akikikka: Front Kneedle, Step 2
akikikka: move to later in series