akhansen: Waiting for the parade
akhansen: Maggie
akhansen: Maggie
akhansen: Running back to find the CMS float
akhansen: At the Memorial Union
akhansen: Beginning of the parade
akhansen: Beginning of the parade
akhansen: Truman the Tiger
akhansen: Marching Mizzou
akhansen: Marching Mizzou
akhansen: Marching Mizzou
akhansen: Fire trucks
akhansen: Fire trucks
akhansen: Fire trucks
akhansen: Fire trucks
akhansen: Fire trucks
akhansen: Even when it's not about KU... it's about KU.
akhansen: Float
akhansen: South Quad
akhansen: Decorations
akhansen: Baby Truman
akhansen: A fine automobile
akhansen: Tractor
akhansen: Crowd on Rollins Street
akhansen: Student Center (formerly Brady Commons)
akhansen: Crowd at Rollins and Hitt
akhansen: University and Ninth
akhansen: Maggie was very excited to point out that this is our church.
akhansen: Lots of people on balconies
akhansen: Occupy CoMo at the homecoming parade