akhansen: Andy's parents' house
akhansen: A short walk down to the end of the street
akhansen: Andy's parents' house
akhansen: The new house
akhansen: Opening the garage
akhansen: The Corolla and the snowbank
akhansen: Dallas and the snowbank
akhansen: Don't park on the street!
akhansen: Don't park on the street!
akhansen: Moving in!
akhansen: A demonstration of what happens to all your cleaning supplies when they sit on a truck in a snowdrift for a week
akhansen: Shoveling the back driveway
akhansen: Andy's perfect 10-egg omelet
akhansen: Last day of school in Austin
akhansen: Amy & Kelli
akhansen: Testing, testing
akhansen: Dallas
akhansen: Don't park on the street.
akhansen: The front steps