John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Sunflowers"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Iris"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Iris"
John C. Akers jr.: "Bumble Bee and Iris"
John C. Akers jr.: Flying honey bees..doing their thing!
John C. Akers jr.: Flying honey bees..doing their thing!
John C. Akers jr.: Flying honey bees..doing their thing!
John C. Akers jr.: Flying honey bees..doing their thing!
John C. Akers jr.: Orange Sulpher
John C. Akers jr.: Orange Sulpher
John C. Akers jr.: Orange Sulpher
John C. Akers jr.: Orange Sulpher
John C. Akers jr.: Orange Sulpher
John C. Akers jr.: Butterfly and Thistle
John C. Akers jr.: Butterfly and Thistle
John C. Akers jr.: Butterfly and Thistle
John C. Akers jr.: Butterfly and Thistle
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"
John C. Akers jr.: "Wild thistle and bumble- Bee"