akdetrick: SHORE
akdetrick: soaring low
akdetrick: bathing birds
akdetrick: bathing birds
akdetrick: rising tide
akdetrick: time to think, stare at rocks, or both
akdetrick: swarming gulls
akdetrick: the prize
akdetrick: the competition
akdetrick: wonder wheel seagull
akdetrick: don't try this at home
akdetrick: raaaaaaandy
akdetrick: victory
akdetrick: adventure
akdetrick: hip hipsters are hip
akdetrick: beach boxing
akdetrick: beach boxing
akdetrick: beach boxing
akdetrick: sailors see this shit every day
akdetrick: follow the leader
akdetrick: norwegian gem
akdetrick: evening boardwalk
akdetrick: boardwalk stroll
akdetrick: doug?
akdetrick: february evening at coney island
akdetrick: DELICIOUS
akdetrick: i <3 tripods
akdetrick: cold, but beautiful
akdetrick: inbound cargo
akdetrick: land and sea and ship