Akbar Sim: KLIK = CLICK
Akbar Sim: When I was young I wanted to be a poet..
Akbar Sim: They did it again :-))
Akbar Sim: Big Brother is watching us
Akbar Sim: P1060383
Akbar Sim: A big honour!
Akbar Sim: In good company 2
Akbar Sim: I'm in good company
Akbar Sim: Mr Akbars Coffee
Akbar Sim: Again
Akbar Sim: Looking through yellow glasses..
Akbar Sim: P1070122
Akbar Sim: Combo
Akbar Sim: Klikbar
Akbar Sim: Now I'm impressed!
Akbar Sim: Now I'm impressed!
Akbar Sim: Oh my goodness.....
Akbar Sim: P1070224
Akbar Sim: And again.....
Akbar Sim: And again.......
Akbar Sim: Lach! - Smile!
Akbar Sim: I wonder who......
Akbar Sim: Akbama for president!? ;-)
Akbar Sim: Flying Ratbar
Akbar Sim: Melt & Kater
Akbar Sim: Akbar's Cube
Akbar Sim: The Revolution.....
Akbar Sim: I am pasted on a fence
Akbar Sim: Street art angel
Akbar Sim: The Crystal ball