cgfan: Posters in Little Tokyo, Nisei Week
cgfan: Posters in Little Tokyo, Nisei Week
cgfan: Koori - A Sure Sign of Summer
cgfan: Koori - A Sure Sign of Summer
cgfan: JA Nostalgia
cgfan: JA Nostalgia
cgfan: Starbucks' Van, L.A. Tofu Festival
cgfan: The Metro stretches East
cgfan: Tofu Robot Invades Little Tokyo
cgfan: Tofu Robot Invades Little Tokyo
cgfan: Nisei Week Community Exhibit, JACCC, Little Tokyo, 3 of 3, Saturday, August 18, 2007
cgfan: Nisei Week Community Exhibit
cgfan: Nisei Week Community Exhibit
cgfan: Mitsuru Cafe sets up a Yatai
cgfan: Taiko at the JANM
cgfan: Taiko at the JANM
cgfan: Taiko at the JANM
cgfan: Taiko at the JANM
cgfan: Taiko at the JANM