@k@sh: Welcome to Coorg
@k@sh: Its my way or highway ?
@k@sh: Come to Bhagmandala
@k@sh: Foggy..Misty Talakaveri - Holy Tank
@k@sh: Foggy..Misty Talakaveri
@k@sh: Foggy..Misty Talakaveri
@k@sh: Just after the prayer
@k@sh: Just after the prayer
@k@sh: Little Friends
@k@sh: Who ? What ? Why ?
@k@sh: Prayer Item
@k@sh: Who are you ?
@k@sh: Sad !
@k@sh: After Prayer !
@k@sh: Brindavan Garden
@k@sh: Framed !
@k@sh: Shweta Varahaswamy Temple (inside Mysore Palace)
@k@sh: Caged !
@k@sh: Returning home ...
@k@sh: Misty !
@k@sh: Real & reel life !
@k@sh: Texture
@k@sh: Big & Little - That decisive moment :)
@k@sh: Take the good with the bad, smile with the sad !
@k@sh: UUUfff..one more Monday :(
@k@sh: The Dancing Diva
@k@sh: Brindavan Garden
@k@sh: Distress :(