Mickey Nelson: WD-40 Real Advertising! #wd40 #advertisement #funny #vintageadvertising @rusty27rat @cadillacpete @estereddie @qbl500
Mickey Nelson: Airhorns #truckerlife #truckin #backoff #rearfacing #airhorns @luvedja @truckerstevep @18wheelpsycho @jim_roberts76 @truckhergirl @gk8595
Mickey Nelson: #reposted #georgecarlin #justsayin #nufsaid
Mickey Nelson: Just Sayin' #ababydidnotchoosetobeaborted #whereisherchoice #whereishischoice #stopabeatingheart #icantbreathe #neverhadachancetobreathe #whereistherealchoice #whoschoiceisit I guess You Know Where I Stand!
Mickey Nelson: Quotations: #johnwayne #lifeishardharderifyouarestupid #justsayin #icantbreathe #handsupdontshot #puppets #masscallinyou
Mickey Nelson: #blacklifematters #35percentofallabortionswereblack #13millionsince1973 #handsupdontshot #icantbreathe #theyneverletmelive #lifematters #alllifematters #life_ended #its_just_a_fetus #stopplannedparenthood #genocide #blackgenocide #justice ? @gtoka #wher
Mickey Nelson: White Man Shot by Police Officer "of Another Color" dies. White People Riot. Sorry ,NO THEY DID NOT RIOT! Nor did President Obama say One Single Word about it! #handsupdontshot #icantbreathe #wrongnarrative #noblackonblackcrime #respectforpolice #thuglif
Mickey Nelson: #doctorvisit #funny #justsayin
Mickey Nelson: Reposting #whitepeopleendedslavery #slaverystillexists #inafrica #wheressharpton #wheresjessejackson #racehustlers #keepingyouonthefarm #sheeple No One Alive Today Had Anything to Do With Slavery! #justsayin #proudtobeanamerican
Mickey Nelson: Reposting #charlesbarkley #icantbreathe #keepvotingdemocrat #sheeples #thanks @_conservative_wisconsin_
Mickey Nelson: Reposting #repost #thanks @_conservative_wisconsin_ #respect #justsayin
Mickey Nelson: #repost @dispatcher_shenanigans #funnyphoto #drugs DRUGS Why Else Would You Vacuum The Grass.
Mickey Nelson: #repost #thanks @unclesamsmisguidedchildren #racism #no_one_is_born_a_racist
Mickey Nelson: "Driver Carries No Cash, HES'S MARRIED" #justsayin #pocketsareempty #bumperstickers #funnysigns #stickers
Mickey Nelson: Had to Put this Out There! Beware of Dog! He's a Dick! #bewareofdog #hesadick #nofilter #notphotoshopped #actualpet #yeshisnameisdick #photoporn #funnyphoto @shutupcarl @dreamweavr68 @qbl500
Mickey Nelson: Alpha Bitch On Board #sticker_world #stickersoncars #decalart #ihatedecals #femaledogincharge ! #dontmesswithher
Mickey Nelson: BUS #signage #wherecanifindacab ?#signporn #busstop #baltimore #offeasternavenue
Mickey Nelson: Hurricane Evacuation Plan 1. Grab Beer 2. Run Like Hell #hurricanevacuationplan #beer #runlikehell unless #havingahurricaneparty #drinkmorebeer And #holdonlikehell #sticker_world #ihatedecals #decals #bumperstickers @ihatedecals @lettergetter @signpix
Mickey Nelson: WORST President Ever #worstpresidentever #justsayin #obummer #dumbocrat #ididnotvoteforhim
Mickey Nelson: #bumperstickers "My Government spent $1 Trillion dollars on the Drug War, and all I got was this lousy Police State..." "It's Not Left vs. Right It's The State vs. You!" #justsayin #stopthedrugwar #leftorright #them_vs_us #freedom
Mickey Nelson: "Its Not Left or Right Its Liberty vs. Tyranny" #bumperstickers #ihatedecals #tyranny #liberty #governmentagainstthepeople @southern_conservative_ @_conservative_wisconsin_ @conservative_alabama
Mickey Nelson: "Government, Following The Construction like you Follow The Speed Limit " #bumperstickers #ihatedecals #conservativism #nospeedlimit #nospendinglimits @southern_conservative_ @_conservative_wisconsin_ @conservative_alabama @nextgenconservative