AKAKibby: Im just a GBH, minding my own business, with my big fish dinner...until....(see below also )
AKAKibby: RSH: "Ha ha! Victory is mine! Don't even THINK about taking back the sushi!!!"
AKAKibby: GBH: "Whatever...and good luck with that...Im movin on!"
AKAKibby: RSH struggling with its spoils of victory...meanwhile....
AKAKibby: GBH is over the loss and found itself fresh sushi...
AKAKibby: GBH: One gulp and down the hatch! RSH: Whats wrong with this picture?????
AKAKibby: Agggghhh! Whats a bird to do??
AKAKibby: RSH: "How hard can this be...if I can just get it out of the water...why is it still moving???!!!"
AKAKibby: RSH: "Thats more like it! Stay put!"
AKAKibby: RSH: "Oh wait...I forgot....."
AKAKibby: RSH: "Not a fan of seafood...did I just see a squirrel over there?"
AKAKibby: Red Shoulder Hawk
AKAKibby: Red Shoulder Hawk