aka_patch: They're not going to catch us
aka_patch: Risen from the ashes
aka_patch: Doubles
aka_patch: Let's run some red lights
aka_patch: This sucker's electrical
aka_patch: you're about to see some serious sh*t
aka_patch: the 70's
aka_patch: Batman Day
aka_patch: Hot Rod!
aka_patch: Classic
aka_patch: Ready and waiting
aka_patch: Got to get back in time
aka_patch: Got the call
aka_patch: Beach bum
aka_patch: Fish face
aka_patch: USA, USA
aka_patch: The Speed of Darkness
aka_patch: The Bandit
aka_patch: rock, flag, and eagle
aka_patch: Rescue Me
aka_patch: Far Beyond Driven
aka_patch: Big City Lights
aka_patch: No. F68
aka_patch: No. 3
aka_patch: American Gangster
aka_patch: Land Shark
aka_patch: Neet Streeter
aka_patch: Hot Rod
aka_patch: Super Coupe
aka_patch: No. 23