aka_patch: Step where I step
aka_patch: You will become a true believer
aka_patch: This is serious Willie
aka_patch: Cobras!
aka_patch: Why did it have to be snakes
aka_patch: the man in the hat is back
aka_patch: this beats a torch
aka_patch: Don't cross the stream
aka_patch: On the run from the locals
aka_patch: Heil Five
aka_patch: Let me show you how it's done boy
aka_patch: Dad, that'll only come in handy if you were Mary Poppins
aka_patch: There's gotta be a better way down
aka_patch: Indiana Jones and the Silver Bullet
aka_patch: Indiana Jones meets Frankenstein
aka_patch: Indiana Jones and Dracula's tomb
aka_patch: Indiana Jones and the Tomb of Dracula
aka_patch: Nazi Hunters
aka_patch: You Must Believe Boy
aka_patch: Just Can't Lose The Hat
aka_patch: Lion Tamer?
aka_patch: another gig
aka_patch: I understand it's power now
aka_patch: Who needs a whip
aka_patch: Part Time
aka_patch: through the web
aka_patch: Swinging away
aka_patch: Indy in German Uniform
aka_patch: The pursuit of Cobra finds the Joes in India
aka_patch: I got this one guys