aka_patch: ShredHead
aka_patch: Come out come out where ever you are turtles
aka_patch: Find me the Turtles
aka_patch: Splinter taught them to be ninja teens
aka_patch: What Would Shredder Do
aka_patch: Stonewall
aka_patch: In his sights
aka_patch: That's messed up
aka_patch: Meet Metalhead
aka_patch: Cowabunga
aka_patch: Totally tubular
aka_patch: vs. Slash
aka_patch: He's a shredder
aka_patch: fearless leader
aka_patch: That's the fact jack
aka_patch: give me a break
aka_patch: Dimension X
aka_patch: Booyakasha
aka_patch: Lean green ninja team
aka_patch: Foot Clan
aka_patch: Secret of the Ooze
aka_patch: It Dwells Beneath
aka_patch: New Friends Promo Pic
aka_patch: The Foot
aka_patch: Let her go!
aka_patch: Enter the Shredder
aka_patch: Dead eyes see no future
aka_patch: Mouser attack
aka_patch: Get off dude
aka_patch: Sacre bleu dudes