aka_patch: Dr. Mindbender stealing the sword of Achilles for Serpentor
aka_patch: GI Joe in the trenches
aka_patch: Cobra in the trenches
aka_patch: Retreat, Cobra doing what they do best
aka_patch: Captured
aka_patch: Outback out hiking
aka_patch: Big Boa abusing his prisoner
aka_patch: Sea Slug attacks
aka_patch: Never get out of the boat
aka_patch: Watch duty
aka_patch: Recondo finds a way into Cobra's underground lair
aka_patch: not hidden enough
aka_patch: Joes get some help
aka_patch: Joes get some help
aka_patch: Falcon with his prisoners
aka_patch: Joes check out the cave
aka_patch: Joes moving quietly
aka_patch: Cobra looking for Joes
aka_patch: Joes break lose
aka_patch: Joes on patrol
aka_patch: Gun-Ho
aka_patch: Major Bludd and Desert Scorpion
aka_patch: Beach Head and Sgt. Airborne take cover from an Iron Grenadier
aka_patch: Iron Grenadier leads Crimson Guard patrol
aka_patch: Beach Head looks to set-up a base camp
aka_patch: Low-Light
aka_patch: Mutt attacks
aka_patch: Flint, Snake-Eyes, & Roadblock in foxholes
aka_patch: Major Bludd leading Cobra forces
aka_patch: Duke and Falcon attacking Cobra forces