ak5x: British Empire building Rockefellew Center
ak5x: Swords into plowshares-Rockefeller Plaza NYC
ak5x: DSC_0241.jpg
ak5x: St Pactricks Cathedral nave
ak5x: Rockefeller Plaza NYC-"News" by Isamu Noguchi.
ak5x: To Commemorate The Workmen of The Center
ak5x: Deciples? On the North side of St Patricks Cathederial, NYC.
ak5x: The other big Apple
ak5x: Statues outside the Plaza Hotel by ex NYC street artist Ai Weiwei. Mr Ai who returned to China in 1993, was detained by authorities in China on April 3, 2011 and has not been seen since. See Update below:
ak5x: The burden of time
ak5x: Art Deco at its best Rockefeller Plaza NYC-Wisdom
ak5x: In the sidewalk at the entrance to a retail shop. I failed to make note of the name of the shop :( My daughter says this is Versace, she should know.
ak5x: Street vendor 5th Ave NYC
ak5x: Department store window highlightig a obvious bug problem, 5th Avenue NYC
ak5x: Saks 5th Avenue NYC
ak5x: Spotted on the way to the airport heading home.
ak5x: Central Park artists
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ak5x: DSC_0144-Edit.jpg
ak5x: The Waldorf Astoria-seemed fitting to give it a aged look
ak5x: Saint Bartholomew's
ak5x: St Thomas Church, 5th Avenue, NYC