aj: through the looking glass:
Pumpkin I
aj: through the looking glass:
Honey Bee meets Echinacaea
aj: through the looking glass:
With Time in Mind
aj: through the looking glass:
Spruce at dusk
aj: through the looking glass:
Rose petal
aj: through the looking glass:
aj: through the looking glass:
Birch tree
aj: through the looking glass:
City Market
aj: through the looking glass:
aj: through the looking glass:
Red Dragonfly
aj: through the looking glass:
Puckered and Wet
aj: through the looking glass:
Nearly Harvest
aj: through the looking glass:
aj: through the looking glass:
aj: through the looking glass:
Dragonfly's wings
aj: through the looking glass:
Fall II
aj: through the looking glass:
Dragonfly II
aj: through the looking glass:
Fall I
aj: through the looking glass:
Shoes I
aj: through the looking glass:
Hydrangea in Fall
aj: through the looking glass:
July sky
aj: through the looking glass:
Cherry Blossoms
aj: through the looking glass: