ajs_: The Geffrye Museum,
ajs_: The Geffrye Museum......
ajs_: A parlour in a post-Fire-of-London house,1695
ajs_: A parlour around 1790
ajs_: Regency style room .......
ajs_: Victorian, around 1850.
ajs_: 1920s' house.
ajs_: 1930s' purpose built, fully serviced flat.
ajs_: 1960s' lounge.
ajs_: 1990s' kitchen...........
ajs_: ........and the 1990s' living area.
ajs_: The Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Christmas at the Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Elizabethan Christmas at the Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Victorian Christmas at the Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Christmas in the 1920s at the Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Christmas in the early 60s at the Geffrye Museum
ajs_: Christmas 2000 at the Geffrye Museum