ajoyfulmoc: seth drawing with print
ajoyfulmoc: seth drawing close up
ajoyfulmoc: sean on kindle
ajoyfulmoc: Jenna at 10
ajoyfulmoc: for a friend
ajoyfulmoc: carly reading
ajoyfulmoc: holly close up
ajoyfulmoc: holly's garland
ajoyfulmoc: lydia thinking
ajoyfulmoc: Once they were my babies
ajoyfulmoc: Three oldest and the pic
ajoyfulmoc: day 18
ajoyfulmoc: sketch of Krista b@w
ajoyfulmoc: sketch four kids to paint
ajoyfulmoc: people in church 2
ajoyfulmoc: people in church 1
ajoyfulmoc: GEDC1809
ajoyfulmoc: GEDC1808
ajoyfulmoc: me in winter
ajoyfulmoc: baby smile
ajoyfulmoc: faraway look
ajoyfulmoc: brothers
ajoyfulmoc: listening
ajoyfulmoc: young girl dreaming
ajoyfulmoc: intent look
ajoyfulmoc: young girl shaded
ajoyfulmoc: young mother
ajoyfulmoc: young lady
ajoyfulmoc: boys sketch
ajoyfulmoc: Teen only