AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Haut-Languedoc: modified monolith
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water forms
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water-form with small mortar and view
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Fallen warm-water-form
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Haut-Languedoc modified monolith: side view
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Weathering of break point on a 'warm water form'
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pierre de Sacrifice du Causse de Lunas: side one
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pierre de Sacrifice du Causse de Lunas. Prehistoric details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pierre de Sacrifice du Causse de Lunas: side details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Neolithic: 'polished concavity'
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pierre de Sacrifice du Causse de Lunas: details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pierre de Sacrifice du Causse de Lunas: front
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Two slope lips
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pressing issues
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Tilted warm-water-form with inevitable basin
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Small warm-water-form with polished-concavity and a tilt response with potential fertility lines.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water-form showing tilt and hill slope
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Hiding the neolithic between shadows
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
'Warm-water form' television
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Musical games aside carved monoliths
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water-form side and surface details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Ancient terraces adapted for vines
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
View from the original position of a warm-water-form
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
View from a warm-water-form
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
A town grew into a vista
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water-form from Baume: details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Warm-water-form from Baune: details
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Background to warm-water-forms
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Snap and drop: warm-water-form
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Summer: heavy cloaks rolled and stored above inside frame