AJ Mitchell (prehistory): The length of a dragon
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Guaranteeing fire for a Paleolithic caravan
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Ice age transport between encampments
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): A 'Dame de Brassempouy' as a Venus
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Initial transport
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Decisions over time
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Protecting the 'Venus' of the next generation
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Weight adjustment
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Protective pride
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Mont Bégo 'cow-form' hut visualisation
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Concluding prehistory. Post 'transport dragon'. 8:8
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): 'Pedestal circles' for gathered late period 'Transport Dragons' 3700-3625 BC
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): The spirit of the Transport Dragon