AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Steps cups and basin
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Three basins with associated post holes
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Cups and concentric circles
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
A pestle in a dolmen's table
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Orthostate basin: Coste-Rouge
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
A pestle for grinding grain
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basin cut into outcrop
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Ameliorated natural, or, fully man made basins
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Pre or protohistoric basin with leaves
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Table top basin
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basin and 'rigole' at the edge of a table
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Cups and rings touching cups and rings
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Long tail destinations and 'sepals'.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basin overflow.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basin outcrop with pines
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Fertility chair and irratics
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Cups and rings with peck marks
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Natural lines, man-made canals, cups, rings and tails.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
A chain of small cups and 'rigole'
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
View from a table
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basin or artefact?
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Cups or artefacts?
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basins by le Prieuré Saint-Michel de Grandmont
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Dolmen de la Creux de la Llosa
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Decorated neolithic table
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Basins. Grandmont. Part 1
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Large architectural basins - Grandmont. Part 2.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory):
Les bassins de Grandmont. Lodévois. Part 3.