AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Verdier
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de la Combe de Pary
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): L'Ostalet das Fadas
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): A pestle in a dolmen's table
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen dit Peyro Lebado
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen du Pouey Mayou
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de la Lloseta
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Saint-Paul
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen du Coustalou
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Peyro Levado dit Vaour
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Tumulus of the Grand dolmen de Ferrussac
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen du Cuzoul (A)
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Dirau
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de l'Artillou
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Joncas
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Tombe du Géant
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): The dolmen de Finelle
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Corridor upon tumulus
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Verdier
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen des Fades : antichamber.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen du Puech Youles (A)
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen de Dirau.
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen dit la Peyre Levade
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): A dolmen as gariotte
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen des Truffières (B) - side
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Le dolmen de Na Cristian
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen dit la Pierre-Levée
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dolmen du Pech de la Crabe (A)
AJ Mitchell (prehistory): Dalmen du Puech Mort (B)