ajft: Jo packing for our four days on the MurrayToMountains railtrail
ajft: Jo and Cam getting ready for our four day cycling trip
ajft: A glove we found in Milawa
ajft: The AWOL prepared for four days on the MurrayToMountains railtrail
ajft: Blossom and grey skies, the railtrail between Milawa and Oxley
ajft: Jo relaxing after the first day's ride
ajft: The Ovens river at Wangaratta
ajft: Painter's Island Caravan Park, Wangaratta, home for the night on the MurrayToMountains railtrail
ajft: Cam's amazing pancake breakfast in Wangaratta
ajft: Breakfast in Wangaratta, cycle touring at its best
ajft: By chance we met a car club, and a 1951 Citroen
ajft: A brief stop at Bowser on the MurrayToMountains railtrail
ajft: Salad rolls at Everton for lunch
ajft: Cam and Jo at lunch at Everton on the MurrayToMountains railtrail
ajft: The Everton hotel, perhaps next time...
ajft: wearegoingawol at the Everton war memorial
ajft: On the railtrail between Everton and Beechworth
ajft: Jo and Cam and tandem on the MurrayToMountains railtrail between Everton and Beechworth
ajft: A break on the climb up towards Beechworth on the MurraytoMountains railtrail
ajft: Plenty of blossom, but ... DON'T EAT THE WATTLE
ajft: Cam and the bikes after arriving at Beechworth station
ajft: Who could resist after seeing this sign
ajft: Retrieving the bike from its illegal parking spot
ajft: Proudly ignoring the "No parking" sign
ajft: A huge Apple box tree that we stumbled upon in Beechworth
ajft: The huge Apple Box tree and local kids climbing
ajft: Leadlight in Tanswell's Hotel window
ajft: Exploring the mines on the walk around Silver creek
ajft: Cam with the "Heaven and Hell" geocache that we stumbled upon
ajft: The "Heaven and Hell" geocache logbook