ajfis2: Nisga'a lava bed
ajfis2: Tseax River
ajfis2: The Nisga'a Nation Welcomes You
ajfis2: Looking for mountain goats
ajfis2: Dramatic cliffs
ajfis2: A stop alongside the Skeena River and the Yellowhead Highway
ajfis2: Downtown Prince Rupert
ajfis2: Waterfront Market
ajfis2: Prince Rupert waterfront
ajfis2: Waterfront
ajfis2: Prince Rupert dock
ajfis2: Fishing boats at rest
ajfis2: Warning signs
ajfis2: Cowpuccinos!
ajfis2: Sunset over Prince Rupert
ajfis2: Watching the sunset
ajfis2: Sunset and Silhouette
ajfis2: Soft light
ajfis2: Black Rooster Roadhouse
ajfis2: Camouflaged bonsai
ajfis2: Happy in the sun
ajfis2: Butze Rapids
ajfis2: Tidal rapids in motion
ajfis2: Standing on the shoulders of giants
ajfis2: Casually eating an apple
ajfis2: What?
ajfis2: Sunny, but coldy
ajfis2: Delicate spring blooms
ajfis2: Taking off
ajfis2: In the back seat